Saturday, October 12, 2013

Baby Use Sign Language

Just because your baby cannot talk, it does not mean that he or she is incapable of communication. A baby is capable of communicating even before he or she learns to form words. This form of communication happens through signs that babies use. Every baby uses sign language but, most of the times they don't make sense to adults. Some of these signs used in baby language are common. For example, all babies rub their eyes when they are sleepy.

 Here are some of the common signs that are a part of baby language.

Rubbing Eyes: 
It means that the baby is sleepy and must be put to bed. 

Clutching The Head or Pulling Hair:
This sign clearly indicates that something is bothering the child. It could be an internal problem like headache or an external factor like mosquitoes that is bothering the baby.

Clutching The Stomach:
 This indicates stomach pain. Most often it is colic pain which is very severe form of stomachache that occurs in babies between the ages of 1 to 12 months. 

Calling Signs: 
Almost all babies Learn the sign for calling instinctively. They raise their palms and fold their fingers repeatedly to call someone.

This sign too comes naturally to babies. They usually point at the things they want or point to the door if they want to taken out. But when it comes to the more complicated signs in baby language, the problem arises. So what you have to do is teach your baby a sign language that you both can mutually understand. There are a number of ways to do this.

 Playing Dumb-she-razz:
 Just like you play the game of dumb-she-razz, you can teach your baby sign language. Act out simple instructions to him or her. Like, if you want to do potty, make a 'poop' sound. Babies pick up sounds very easily. 

Flash Cards:
 Many day centres use flash cards to teach babies to talk. You can use the same at home to develop a sign language with your baby.

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